Watch out, your nards might get pixelated!
These things, I have done for you...
Let's talk . . .
… About Kill Bill for a second. Now, without revealing any spoilers, I have to say that that movie is the martial arts equivalent of a Tom Stoppard play. Many of you know how I desire to throw Tom Stoppard in a pool of molten earth in the desire that he find some vast underground geode (?!) and be impaled on a giant fucking quartz crystal, as seen in that historical documentary, The Core. (yes, I mentioned Quentin Tarantino and The Core in the same sentence. Go to hell!) And when Tarantino thanks Robert Rodriguez in the credits, I was prompted to wonder why I had so much more sympathy for Once Upon a Time in Mexico than for Kill Bill. The reason I came up with is this: Robert Rodriguez made a movie in his style, crappy though it may have been. Tarantino made a movie in Master of the Flying Guillotine’s style. Also …Mexico didn’t go “Look at how much I know about obscure Hong Kong martial arts cinema!” every five seconds. Yes, I realize that Lucy Liu is incredibly hot, debatably more so than Salma Hayek. And Uma Thurman is debatably just as good at playing insane and talented murderers as Johnny Depp. But I still want to punch Quentin Tarantino in the throat. So, my question is, what did you think of the movie?
More Cat Stuff. (skip if you dislike the cat stuff)
So Marzipan is not deaf, as far as we can tell (we were afraid she was for a while, since she was white and didn't move her ears when she walked around) just very good at ignoring us. Turns out she has ear mites and they made poopies in her ear and so she was having trouble hearing, what with all the bug poopies in her ear. She seems happy, but poor Oliver is still terrified of her. They'll lie within three feet of each other, but if she even tries to come up to sniff him, he's fuckin' gone, man. Right now, Marzy is trying to disembowel gut a toy mousie on an elastic string.

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