Watch out, your nards might get pixelated!
These things, I have done for you...
Cats! Not the musical!

Because I kept complaining that Oliver is Adrienne's cat and not mine, for my birthday present, Adrienne paid the adoption fee on a cat from the shelter, and she's incredibly kerdorable. We're going to pick her up Monday or Tuesday (whenever we can get an appointment at the vet), and I'll post pictures probably next week. But you can see the picture of her that I stole from The Monroe County Humane Society (always get shelter kitties) and her listing is at the bottom of this page. She's a female (fluh!) spayed cat, ~2 years old, and she was being very sweet to the kittoon with whom she'd been placed in the crate at Petsmart, so we think she'll do well with Oliver.

Her given name is Joann, but I plan to rename her "Marzipan" because it sounds similar and won't confuse the cat. And Marzipan likes baby animals and cats. The names I had planned to give my first cat were either "Doucheface," "Jeepers Creepers," or "Tawny Kittaen;" which, I'm aware, is an extremely gay reference. You don't want to know what names I've picked out for my unconceived children. But, anyway, Adrienne nixed the first one, and Marzipan is neither tawny nor a kitten. But I knew "Joann" would have to go, and "Marzipan" is actually the first rhyming name that came to mind when I thought of "Joann." Plus it's clever, and we all know how important it is to give our pets clever names after minor characters from obscure webcartoons. We'll see if the little pet-tag machine at Petsmart will accept eight characters. If not, she may have to go by "Marzy."

So, to summarize in haiku form:
Kitty adopted
Her name will be Marzipan
Pictures *next* Monday
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More Evidence that I'm Stupid
As a prelude, we don't have TV in the new apartment. Adrienne and I decided to go with satellite when we found out it cost less to get more channels, but there have been a lot of hassles with the installation and, long story made short, we have no TV (Bloomington's in a valley without any TV relay stations from Indy *or* Terre Haute, so you can't even get broadcast without a huge-ass aerial). Anyway, I've been watching a bunch of DVD's (starting with Futurama season 2 and Mr. Show season 3), and I watched Ghost World tonight (I accidentally fell asleep this afternoon, so it's now 2AM and I'm wired like a rabbit trapped in a VCR), and after the movie was over, I finally thought to get online to try to find out if Aimee's Ghost World was in any way related to the graphic novel (since, I think, B#2 and the movie came out at roughly the same time). I'd always listen to the song and say to myself, "Yeah, it has to be. I mean, come on." But I figured it was too much of a coincidence, just one of those things . . .
By the way, it is not just a matter of chance. It is not just "One of those things."

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